Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Antioch News August 24th-31st

This Week’s Birthdays:

August 25th: Scott Mims

August 25th: Lauren Purcell

August 27th: Erin Barber

August 28th: Steve Terry

August 29th: Al Bryan

August 29th: Linda Seawright

August 31st: Bert Barber



Today: Tracy Hughes, Ashley Creswell, Donna

and Lauren Williams and Anna Bedenbaugh

Sunday Evening 08/24: Kelli Wise

Wed. Evening 08/27: Lisa Thibodeau

Sunday, August 31st: Hugh & Melanie Swearingen,

Lisa Thibodeau, Michelle Still,

Tal & Melissa Mims

Sunday Evening 08/31: Audra Bedenbaugh

Wed. Evening 09/03: Vickie Allen

HoneyBees (Ages 2-Kindergarten)

Today: Jeff & Audra Bedenbaugh

and Charlotte Ann Seawright

Sunday, August 31st: Doug & Tonya Baker,

Tammy Donaldson and Lily Schrock

Sunday Evening Children’s Activities


3-5 year olds Jeff & Audra Bedenbaugh

1st-5th graders Doug & Tonya Baker


There will be no Swingbed visit

held this month


Reminder: Today is “Building Fund Sunday”. We ask that each family give an additional $3 per week or $15 per month to help retire the loan. Our goal is to pay off the loan by June, 2009. You may place your contribution in an envelope marked “Building Fund” and place it in the

offering plate. We thank you for your help



Next Sunday is fifth Sunday and we would like to remind you that the Sunday School offering taken up will be given to the Bethea Home.

Please give generously!


Welcome Zachary Morris!

Diaper Pounding:

There will be a container located at the church

entrance if you would like to honor

Maggie, Kevin, Zachary and their family with your gift


You’ve Got No Excuse...

not to come out a little early for a FREE breakfast before Sunday School. The whole church is invited! We are going to use this as a time to update our records and class

rosters. But, and most importantly; this is a chance for you….and you know who you are...who don’t come to

Sunday School for whatever get a bite to eat and register for your new class! Come out and give Sunday school a try and see what you are missing. We have classes for every age group and children LOVE Sunday school! The time is going to be Sunday, September 7th from 9:30 to 10:15 am; with a shortened Sunday school

following. Teachers, please make plans to be there and if you have any questions, please call our Sunday school

director, Brandi Miller at 637-9596.


Introducing our new 2 and 3 year old Honeybees class! This upcoming church year, we are pleased to announce that there will be TWO Honeybees classes to accommodate our ever growing younger crowd! There will be one class for 2 & 3 year olds and another for 4 & 5 year olds. Make plans for your little one to join us downstairs each Sunday after Children’s Sermon!

Youth News


Attention High School Youth Guys! Come out

Wednesday nights starting August 27th

at 6:30 pm for a time of Bible Study with

Pastor Kyle. Be sure to bring your Bibles!

Youth, the cost for the new “highlighter” Antioch

T-Shirts given out on the Beach trip came to $10 per shirt. The money should be given to Linda Eubanks

Mark your calendars for the Youth Rally to be held at Big Stevens Church on Saturday, September 6th. More information will be in next week’s bulletin!


Thank you to everyone who helped with the

recent Youth Beach Retreat!! A special

expression of appreciation to all those who

attended the Valentine’s Banquet Fundraiser,

to Kathy Miller for the waffles, to Lisa Turner for the chicken strips, to Tracy Hughes for the

Spaghetti Sauce, to Mrs. Essie for the apple

muffins and to everyone who donated funds and kept our youth and their leaders in their prayers during this time of fellowship!

The Youth and their Leaders would like to thank the Terry Family for opening their home, pool, yard and hospitality for last week’s Youth Pool Party and Cookout. The hamburgers were fabulous and the

fellowship was awesome.

Thank you to Steve, Angela,

Lindsey, Ryan and David!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What's Happening 8/17-8/24

This Week’s Birthdays:

August 17: Ward Holmes

August 21: David Trotter

August 32: Sara Frances Miller



Today: Robin English, Laura McKie, Julia Miller, Lisa & Courtney Turner

Sunday Evening 08/17: Vickie Riley

Wed. Evening 08/20: Mo Deese

August 24th: Tracy Hughes, Ashley Creswell, Donna and Lauren Williams, Anna Bedenbaugh

Sunday Evening 08/17: Keil Wise

Wed. Evening 08/27: Candy Feagin

HoneyBees (Ages 2-Kindergarten)

Today: Leigh Ann Watts, Sandy & Julia Miller

August 24th:Jeff & Aura Bendenbaugh, Charlotte Ann Seawright

Usher List

Sunday 17

John Seawright (Prayer)
Jeff Hughes

Noland Seigler

David Terry

David Mims (Greeter)

August 24th

Lanny Miller (Prayer)

Jeff Bedenbaugh

David Mims

Trent Miller

Ricky Deese (Greeter)

Sunday Evening Children’s Activities


3-5 year olds Rebecca Howle & Lisa Thibodeau

1st-5th graders John & Charlotte Ann Seawright

August 24th:

3-5 year olds Jeff & Audra Bedenbaugh

1st-5th graders Doug & Tonya Baker


There will be no Swingbed visit held in the month of August


Looking for a daily devotional or pictures of my son? Then check


Back To School Pool Party: The Youth will meet at the church at 4:00 we will be going to the Terry’s house, we will have dinner provided and will be back by 7:00 at the church. Please one-piece bathing suits only.


There Will Also Be No Sunday Evening Service On August 31st.

Please enjoy the time with your families.


Welcome Marshal Zachary Morris

Born: 8-8-08 & 5lbs 19 inches

The rose on the organ today is placed in honor of him.

Diaper Pounding:

The container will be located at the entrance of the church if you would like to honor Kevin & Maggie with your gift.


Welcome Knox Rauton!

Diaper Pounding:

There will be a container located at the church entrance if you would like to honor T.J., Kelley and Knox with your gift


You’re invited to help with our church’s

Christmas-in-August project. We will be collecting items for the Connie Maxwell Children’s Home. These items will help in

ministry to others. We need these items: school supplies, sports items, personal items (shampoo, etc). Please place these items in the WMU Room prior to Wednesday, August 27th, which will be the final day for donations.

Girls 1st-6th grade: please make plans to attend the

Annual GA Christmas in August Party

to be held in the Fellowship Hall from 6:30 to 7:30 pm on Wednesday, August 27th. This year we will combine our

Christmas Party with a GA Banquet!! All GA girls grades

1st-6th are invited to attend. If you do not currently attend GA’s and would like to become a part of the GA Family, please join us; we’d love to see you! If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer to help, please contact Sandy Mims at 637-5549
or Anna Bedenbaugh at 637-6053 or Melissa Mims at 637-6471.


Youth 6th Grade & Up:

Get ready for Friday Night, August 22nd for a Back-to-School lock in for the Youth. Plan to be at the church at 7:00 pm and bring your sleeping bag and your favorite snack!


Attention High School Youth Guys! Come out Wednesday nights starting August 27that 6:30 pm for a time of Bible Study with Pastor Kyle Be sure to bring your Bibles!


Memorials to the Church have been received

in loving memory of

Mr. Curtis Johnson

given by Woodmen Of The World, & Hazel Reel


A Memorial to the Robertson Prayer Group has been received in loving memory of

Curtis Johnson

Given by Asbury & Anna Bedenbaugh


A Memorial to the Gideon’s International has been received in loving memory of

Curtis Johnson

Given by Hammond & Frances West


A Memorial to the church has been received

in loving memory of

Lettie Cherry & Wayne McCary

given by Catherine Johnson


A Memorial to the church has been received in loving memory of

Lettie Cherry

given by Joeanne Trotter, Louise Gibson, Sunny & Rose Erwin , Laura Chadwick


A Memorial to the Youth Fund has been received

in loving memory of

Lettie Cherry

given by Bud & Essie Robertson


A Memorial to the Building Fund has been received

in loving memory of

Lettie Cherry

given by Pee Wee & Betty Padgett, Dave & Joanne Nowak

A Memorial to the Building Fund has been received

in loving memory of Lettie Cherry

given by Pee Wee & Betty Padgett, Dave & Joanne Nowak


A Memorial to Janie Chapman Offering has been received in loving memory of Lettie Cherry

given by Jerry, Vickie, Bobby, & Chris Allen


A Families Helping Families has

been received in loving memory of Lettie Cherry

given by Vivian Timmerman