Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Youth News


Attention High School Youth Guys! Come out

Wednesday nights starting August 27th

at 6:30 pm for a time of Bible Study with

Pastor Kyle. Be sure to bring your Bibles!

Youth, the cost for the new “highlighter” Antioch

T-Shirts given out on the Beach trip came to $10 per shirt. The money should be given to Linda Eubanks

Mark your calendars for the Youth Rally to be held at Big Stevens Church on Saturday, September 6th. More information will be in next week’s bulletin!


Thank you to everyone who helped with the

recent Youth Beach Retreat!! A special

expression of appreciation to all those who

attended the Valentine’s Banquet Fundraiser,

to Kathy Miller for the waffles, to Lisa Turner for the chicken strips, to Tracy Hughes for the

Spaghetti Sauce, to Mrs. Essie for the apple

muffins and to everyone who donated funds and kept our youth and their leaders in their prayers during this time of fellowship!

The Youth and their Leaders would like to thank the Terry Family for opening their home, pool, yard and hospitality for last week’s Youth Pool Party and Cookout. The hamburgers were fabulous and the

fellowship was awesome.

Thank you to Steve, Angela,

Lindsey, Ryan and David!

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